Denture Relines

Denture relines are when the surface of the denture that fits close to your gums is adjusted to make it fit the shape of your tissues better. This involves the fitting surface of your denture being trimmed back and an impression being taken inside your denture. The impression material is then processed with denture plastic and the denture polished.

When do I need a denture reline?

After teeth are extracted the bone that used to support the teeth and now supports the dentures remodels and resorbs. This resorption is inevitable and ongoing but it tends to happen most in the first year after a tooth has been extracted and a reasonable amount in the following 5 years. The amount and way that the supporting bone changes is different for everyone but these changes effect your dentures in three main ways: the seal of your denture, the support of your denture, and the height of your face.

Seal of the denture

The denture held in by the thin layer of saliva and the closely fitting nature of the denture base to your gums. The denture should seal around the edges to prevent air from getting under the denture and this suction cup effect keeps the denture in place. If the changes in your bone effect the seal of the denture it can be more prone to falling down or moving around.

Support of the denture

When you chew with your dentures the force that you apply to your food should be resisted by even pressure on the bone in your jaws. As the bone remodels it can cause the pressure to become uneven meaning some areas are taking no load and other areas are taking extra load. This can cause the dentures to rock around and to cause sore spots where too much pressure is put on your gums.

Height of your face

When you open and close your mouth the height of your face changes and the thing that stops you from closing your mouth too much is when your teeth or dentures touch. As the bone that supports your dentures resorbs away they sink into each of your jaws. Now to get your denture teeth to touch when you bite you have to bring your chin closer to your nose. We call this a reduced vertical dimension. This new biting position can have effects on your jaw joint, the muscles of your face, it can make you look older and a bit jowly and can also cause splitting and infections in the corners of your mouth. Overtime your muscles may get used to the new position and it may be difficult to go back to your natural face height.

Because you live with your dentures everyday it may be hard to notice these changes. Regular checkups with your clinical dental technician can help to identify if it is time for a reline. As a guide ask your clinician if it is time for a reline 12 weeks and 1 year after extractions and then every 3 years after that. Dentures should be replaced every 10 years but we may do a reline at the beginning of the process of getting a new denture to help the denture last until we finish your new ones, diagnose your natural face height, or help heal soft tissue issues.

What types of relines are there?

There are three main types of relines these are hard, soft and tissue conditioner.

Hard Reline

This is the standard reline. The material of the reline is the same plastic as the rest of the denture base. It can be polished smooth so it is easy to clean and it bonds well to the rest of the denture.

Soft Reline

A soft reline is used in specific cases where you have some thin tissue or a bony area on your jaw. This soft material acts as a cushion ensuring the pressure is spread evenly. While it can be more comfortable the soft surface is harder to keep clean and can come loose around the edges as it wears so will need more maintenance over time.

Tissue Conditioner

Tissue conditioner is a temporary soft reline that can be used inside dentures to help heal any issues with your tissues before we remake your denture. The tissue conditioner is very soft and continues to mould as you wear it. It is very hard to keep clean and it hardens overtime and becomes brittle. Usually a tissue conditioner is replaced weekly while you are having your new denture fabricated.

How do I get a reline

To see if you need a reline make an appointment to come and see one of our Clinical Dental Technicians. They will do an examination of your mouth and dentures and discuss your concerns and advise you how best to proceed. You can make an appointment by calling 04 888 1444 or book online by navigating to our book now page.


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